Our philosophy
We believe that relationships are at the heart of all learning. Our team establishes responsive and supportive relationships, where all family members can feel comfortable, safe and secure. We value each child’s unique experience of family, community and culture; finding ways to acknowledge these relationships within the curriculum.
Our team supports cultural, linguistic, non-verbal commuicators and religious diverse families by developing programs which are inclusive of their experiences and needs.
Our team creates programs where each child’s needs are addressed in the first instance (Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs); learning each child’s cues and preferences. Within this context, the team provides mentorship in nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Our vegetable and fruit garden provide opportunities for children to explore nutritious snacks, in their own time. Each groups’ program is designed around the importance of physical development and activity, and the development of healthy physical habits. Murdoch University Child Care Centre is aware of and acts in our protective care responsibility across all contexts that the children participate in.
The curricula, for each group, are based on providing opportunities for children to feel empowered to plan, reflect and make choices throughout each day. Through participation in all aspects of the program, children practice emerging skills as responsible participants in the group learning/care context. Each learning group develops a unique group culture, based on all the participants, where a sense of belonging is cultivated for all ages and interests. Opportunities are designed to foster children’s developing expressive languages; where they can freeing express themselves through visual, sound, language, sign and movement.
As early education professionals, we believe that the play environment is the “third teacher”. We create play and learning environments which invite imagination, exploration and experimentation as well as a sense of homeliness, wonder and love of the natural world. Our educators provide opportunities for children to participate in environmentally responsible practices, where minimising toxicity, waste and pollution are valued.
We acknowledge that children are continuously developing strategies to respond to their world. Therefore, the team guide, support and inspire them to express and cope with challenging feelings (rather than isolate and shame them for their emerging impulse and emotional skills).
“We are proud to acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation and seek out ways to engage with the Noongar community and boodjar (natural environment) through Noongar kadidjiny (knowledges)”
We embrace our place in the Murdoch University learning community and find ways to emphasise lifelong learning skills, including: observation, reflection, collaboration, expression, experimentation, research, evaluation and repetition. When appropriate, the children spend time in the University (in a range of contexts including laboratories, lecture theatres, libraries, clinics, cafes, paddocks), exploring ways that people learn and apply knowledge. This approach is imbedded in the belief that children’s own interests, preferences, lived experience, relationships/interactions and dispositions should drive the curricula.
As a team, the educators at Murdoch University Child Care Centre engage in their own reflective practice; assessing and evaluating teaching/caring strategies and embracing continuous improvement. We keep up to date with professional development and contemporary research in the areas of brain development, cognitive processing and early childhood education. Where appropriate the centre implements ‘best practice’ as it emerges from Early Childhood Australia and The Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Quality Authority. Murdoch University Child Care Centre participates in all government, peak professional and industry accreditation, quality frameworks and standards.